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All visiting and summer students should refer to the grading scale on their course syllabus.

The grading system is as follows:

A excellent
B good
C fair
D poor but passing
F failure (the grade of F is a final grade and is not subject to reexamination)

Plus and minus grades are also used, except with D. Grade point averages are computed on the following scale:

A+ = 98-100% = 4.33
A  = 93-97.9% = 4.00
A- = 90-92.9% = 3.67

B+ = 87-89.9% = 3.33
B  = 83-86.9% = 3.00
B- = 80-82.9% = 2.67

C+ = 77-79.9% = 2.33
C  = 73-76.9% = 2.00
C- = 70-72.9% = 1.65

D = 60-69.9% = 1.00

F = < 59.9% = 0.00

The Columbia College GPA calculator(link is external) can help students calculate their grade point average outside of SSOL.

When the Office of the Registrar calculates the grade point average, courses are weighted according to the number of credit points. Unless otherwise stated in specific degree or program requirements, each student must maintain at least a B (3.0) average. Students may appeal to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to retake an SPS course in which they have received an F. In certain cases, there might be program-specific courses that have higher minimum grades. In consultation with the student’s academic program, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs will confirm if the course repeat offer is approved. Courses repeated without advance approval will not be honored. Please note: This appeal must be filed no later than 10 business days after the grade has been posted on SSOL. The grades for both of the courses will be posted on the student’s transcript; the first course will not count toward the student’s minimum GPA for good standing, but the second iteration will. The student will be charged applicable tuition for both courses.