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Yellow Level from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Open to all. Orange Level from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.: CUID holders and pre-authorized guests only; limited campus entry points. Read more.
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By the Numbers

SPS students benefit from market-forward programs that close the gap between what employers demand and what graduates are equipped to deliver.

Enhancing the Student Experience

From orientation to graduation, SPS is enhancing all aspects of student life.

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95% Student satisfaction rating for SPS Orientation

Career Outcomes & Student Success Stories

SPS graduates are in demand at all levels and in all sectors of the professional world, where they advance existing fields and pioneer emerging ones. Our graduates receive highly competitive salaries and are employed above national averages.

  • View past Career Outcomes Reports for Columbia University School of Professional Studies (SPS) graduates.
  • Read student and alumni testimonials on their successful career journeys.

Engaging Our Alumni

SPS has the fastest-growing alumni base of any Columbia University graduate school. In the past year, we’ve built even closer connections with many former students through alumni events, our monthly digital newsletter, and our Alumni Advisory Council, which explores new pathways and opportunities to strengthen our community.

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300,000 Active Columbia Alumni
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14,000+ Active SPS Alumni

Impacting Our Communities

From our signature initiatives to our community partners, SPS connects students and community members with new opportunities to develop both professionally and personally.

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500+ Hours of community service from SPS high school program participants
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120 Students who are incarcerated that have earned college credit through SPS
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70+ Scholarships awarded each year to SPS summer and college preparatory programs

Growing Global Presence

From Switzerland to Hong Kong and beyond, our expanding presence across the globe offers our students, faculty, and alumni cutting-edge opportunities for careers and collaboration.

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61% 61% of the Class of 2020 were international students.
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39% 39% of the Class of 2020 were domestic students.