Writing Stories of Science Inside and Outside the Academy with Professor Brian Greene
- Academic Year Weekend
- Actuarial Science
- American Language Program
- Applied Analytics
- Arabic Summer Program
- Arts in the Summer
- Bioethics
- Biotechnology Certificate
- Business Certificate (Summer Term)
- Business Edge
- Business Plus: Summer
- Business Plus
- Classics Certificate
- College Edge: Academic Year
- College Edge: Summer
- Construction Administration
- Critical Issues in International Relations: Summer
- Critical Issues in International Relations
- Custom Business Program: Summer
- Custom Business Program
- Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Certificate
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Graduate Foundations Program
- Human Capital Management
- Human Rights: Summer
- Human Rights
- Information & Knowledge Strategy (IKNS)
- Insurance Management
- Narrative Medicine
- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
- Nonprofit Management
- Postbaccalaureate Studies
- Psychology Certificate
- Quantitative Studies for Finance Certificate
- Russian Practicum
- Sports Management
- Strategic Communication
- NYC Residential Summer
- Sustainability Analytics
- Sustainable Finance
- Sustainable Water Management
- Technology Management
- United Nations Studies: Summer
- United Nations Studies
- Visiting Students
- Technology Management
- Technology Management
Co-sponsored by the Undergraduate Writing Program and the School of Professional Studies
In the 21st century, scholars must write for a wider range of purposes and publics than ever before. They write to share their work with researchers in their fields and across disciplines. Many scholars also write to reach readers in the public sphere.
This fall, join Dr. Nicole B. Wallack, the Director of Columbia’s Undergraduate Writing Program in the Department of English and Comparative Literature, for five conversations with scholars who bridge worlds inside and outside of the academy through their writing: Prof. Brian Greene, Prof. Mignon Moore, Prof. Denise Cruz, Prof. Cindy Lott and Prof. Marco Tedesco.
We will explore the diverse roles writing plays for these scholars in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and professions. They will offer us glimpses into their writing habits and practices. They will share what they find creative in their writing projects and processes. They will consider the challenges of writing for their disciplines and for general readers. Attendees will have an opportunity to pose questions to our guests during the Q&A portion of the event.
Writing can feel daunting at the best of times. We hope you will join us to explore how we can reach new readers in these especially challenging times. We look forward to seeing you!
About the Writing Inside and Outside the Academy Speaker Series
For information about the Speaker Series or Undergraduate Writing Program, please contact uwp [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu
For additional information about program offerings at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.
Additional Dates
- Wednesday, Oct. 14, 5:00-6:00 PM ET: Writing Social Science Inside and Outside the Academy with Professor Mignon Moore
- Wednesday, Oct. 21, 5:00-6:00 PM ET: Writing for a Mission-based Audience: Policy, Law and Nonprofits, Inside and Outside the Academy with Professor Cindy M. Lott
- Wednesday, Oct. 28, 5:00-6:00 PM ET: Writing Stories of Climate Change Inside and Outside the Academy with Professor Marco Tedesco