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Curriculum & Courses


  • 36 points (credits) for degree completion
  • On-campus and online options
  • Fall intake
  • Up to 6 terms to complete 
  • Capstone Seminar

International students are responsible for ensuring they have read and understand the University’s student visa application eligibility and requirements. Please note that it is not permissible to enroll while in B-1/B-2 status. Students on an F1 visa are permitted to complete no more than one online class each semester.

The program is organized around 9 required core courses which bring together two main content areas: Foundations of Human Capital Management and Foundations of Business Partnership; a Capstone Seminar; and 2 elective courses that let students focus their study in an area of interest, such as Learning & Development or Global HCM.

To accommodate working professionals, most classes are scheduled from 6:10–8:00 p.m. or 8:10–10:00 p.m. for on campus classes, and 6:30-8pm or 8:30-10pm for online classes.

Required Part-Time Pathway (Fall Intake)


First Term: Fall

Second Term: Spring

Third Term: Summer

Fourth Term: Fall

Fifth Term: Spring

Sixth Term: Summer

Elective Courses

Elective Courses (Non-HCM)

The University reserves the right to withdraw or modify the courses of instruction or to change the instructors as may become necessary.