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Anthony Walter, Sr. Director, HR at Tanium, joins Dave Fineman's Strategic Workforce Planning Class

The HCM program was pleased to have Anthony WalterSr. Director, HR at Tanium join Dave Fineman and Zachary Chertok's Strategic Workforce Planning Class as a guest speaker.

Anthony shared several use cases and real-world examples of how Tanium and his prior employers have implemented Workforce Planning.  He emphasized a rigorous focus on critical workforce segments and how those segments might change over time as the organization's strategic and competitive landscape evolves. 

Anthony provided his perspective on steps that organizations could use to establish a successful Workforce Planning function, which included avoiding the trap of using a "best-in-class" workforce planning approach when in reality they often need to be adapted based on the organization's culture, readiness, and external factors (e.g., the current macroeconomic environment).

Anthony shared some lessons learned during his career as a consultant and workforce analytics and planning professional including how a consulting mindset as a listener and advisor has enabled him to successfully work with business leaders and stakeholders on complex challenges.  Anthony encouraged our students to get involved with existing high-priority organization initiatives where they can demonstrate Workforce Planning and Analytics' value and get buy-in for future workforce planning initiatives.


Thank you Anthony for sharing your experiences and expertise with our students.
