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Weathering the Storm of Climate Risk

Historically, concerns related to the impact of climate change were limited almost exclusively to the environmentalist community. In recent years however, as more data and research has become available, and the volume of weather related events has exponentially increased, there is a growing consensus among scientists, policymakers, regulators and the financial sector that climate risk now represents a global systemic threat.

There are numerous, complex aspects associated with climate risk, most prominent of which are physical risks and transition risks. These physical and transition risks can have a dramatic direct and indirect impact on the banking sector since banks either own or finance properties, corporations, etc, that are in the crosshairs of these climate-related risks.

This panel will shed light on these and other unique and complex risks associated with climate change, including new regulatory rules recently published by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision (BIS) and the European Banking Authority (EBA), as well as new trends in bank stress testing to help this sector better predict the future impact on their operations from this emerging systemic threat.



Michael Leibrock

Lecturer; Managing Director, Head of Counterparty Credit Risk and Systemic Risk, Depository

Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC)



Theresa Paraschac

Executive Director of Government Relations, DTCC


Lisa Ponti

Vice President - Educational Outreach, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)


Paul Washington

Executive Director ESG Center, The Conference Board


For event-related questions, please contact Jay Hirsch, jh3975 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

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