IKNS Capstone Projects
IKNS Capstone Projects
The final course and culminating experience for IKNS students is the Capstone Project: Working in teams, and guided by IKNS faculty, students carry out an advising project with one of IKNS' many trusted sponsors. Are you curious what it's like to work on an organization's internal taskforce and advise your colleagues on innovative digital solutions towards greater success? Want to experience working on an external consulting team, using state of the art tools from information science and organizational psychology to devise and implement recommendations towards lasting change? That's what the Capstone experience is about.
During this final course, students will hone the practical skills and deepen the understanding of the academic frameworks they acquired during the IKNS curriculum - and enjoy tremendous opportunities for networking with leading global corporates, non-profits, or NGOs.
To gain deeper insights into the innovative solutions our students have developed, check out the recordings of some of our recent IKNS Capstone presentations.
Apply to Become a Capstone Sponsor
Have an idea for a project? Columbia's IKNS program accepts applications from Capstone sponsors year round on a rolling basis. Please find more information below - and apply via the online form. All types of projects and organizations will be considered - for profit, non-profit, NGOs , and regardless of the organization's size - as long as we feel that the proposed project will present an excellent learning opportunity for our students. Note that IKNS does not accept financial contributions from sponsors. Please contact cjm2177 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu for any inquiries.
More info on IKNS Capstone (view slide deck)
Apply as a sponsor (online form)
We thank our previous & current sponsors (selection):
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
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