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Elective Courses

IKNS Elective Courses and Curriculum Areas

In order to tailor your experience in the IKNS program to your individual intellectual interests and career objectives, you have the flexibility to choose your 6 elective courses from graduate classes (in-person or online) anywhere across Columbia University, including Columbia's School of Arts and Sciences, Business SchoolData Science InstituteEngineering School, Journalism School, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Mailman School of Public Health, and the School of Professional Studies. Choose electives according to your academic and professional goals, work-schedule, and personal preference.


Found an exciting new course elsewhere at Columbia that has not yet been pre-approved? As your six electives, you can choose any other graduate-level, Columbia University courses(link is external) not yet listed on our Bulletin of pre-approved electives by applying for individual approval to the IKNS Program Administration. Individual approvals must be applied for within 1 week prior to the first week of classes in the term in which you would like to take the course, using this form(link is external) (login required). 

Please note: Electives are typically offered only once a year (fall, spring, or summer term), and their schedule and capacity in a particular term (including whether in-person or online) are subject to change. In addition, the department that offers a particular course may set prerequisites that restrict the course to particular students. Please consult the Columbia University Directory of Classes(link is external) as you plan your curriculum. Your designated Academic Advisor will be happy to help. 

IKNS Curriculum Areas (CA)

In order to guide you in your choice of elective courses and to ensure that you graduate with a balanced set of theoretical foundations and practical skills, your 6 electives must be chosen according to the following Curriculum Areas.       

Electives Taught by IKNS Faculty

A portion of the ~75 pre-approved electives have been developed specifically for IKNS students and are taught by IKNS faculty. These curated electives provide deep-dives into specific areas of IKNS' skillsets, from digital product design to project management or social network analysis. However, including these IKNS-taught electives within your personal choice of 6 electives is not mandatory.            

Electives Taught by IKNS Faculty (CA = Curriculum Area) [excerpt from ~75 electives on Bulletin]