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Pam Myrick: Applying a Critical Lens to Enhance Product Marketing

Pam Myrick’s (’19SPS, Strategic Communication) marketing and advertising career has spanned a decade. From door-to-door to agency sales, she has worked with some of the largest brands, and her experiences exposed her to various facets of the industry. Currently Myrick is the Product Marketing Manager for Advanced Television products at Spectrum Reach in New York City.

What attracted you to the Strategic Communication program at Columbia University?

I knew I wanted to be a part of the Columbia family—it was one of the draws of moving to New York City in 2016. As I researched the curriculum, I felt like the classes were exactly what I was missing from my undergraduate double-major in Public Relations and Organizational Communication. I picked up practical communication skills from my work experiences, but I wanted the academic experience to back it up. As soon as the part-time option was offered, I was sold.

What skills have you built and improved on through the program?

Working in Product Marketing, I am responsible for bridging the gap between complex technical jargon and practical sales language. I have to determine if the advancements that the Product Development team execute are being translated for nearly a thousand sellers. My daily challenges have been eased through application of persuasive, user-focused, creative assets that are grounded in solid research and communicate a valuable message through unexpected channels—strategies I have polished in my last four semesters here at SPS.

How have these skills helped you succeed at your job?

Forcing myself to put a critical lens on my work was difficult. Walking out of the classroom and not finding ways to use what I have learned is even harder. Practical application of concepts has made me a more confident contributor in meetings but perhaps, most simply, enabled me to think in strategic terms: Who is my audience? What do they need to hear from me? How do I reach them? Is my message clear? These are all questions we answer in every class and that have become second nature to me at work.

What are your post-graduate plans?

After graduation, I will remain in New York and I will continue to implement the communications strategies I have learned to enhance my career and utilize the network I have formed at SPS to explore further growth opportunities in the communication field.

Learn more about the Master of Science in Strategic Communication program at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies.