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Dr. Ed Hoffman: The Future of Work Depends on Intangibles, Machines, and Cultures of Excellence

Leaders are worried about maintaining a competitive edge in an era of technological disruption and the rapid rise of new billion-dollar companies. How can leaders make smart decisions in fast-paced environments?

In response, Dr. Ed Hoffman, Senior Lecturer for the Master of Science in Information and Knowledge Strategy (IKNS) program, has created a research and design initiative to understand what makes today’s organizations successful.

The key, he says, is that successful organizations differentiate themselves by leveraging “intangible” goals: innovation, agility, and rapid response to market demand.

To guide leaders toward these goals, Dr. Hoffman outlined four principles for the future of work:

  1. Acknowledge the importance of people partnering with machines.
  2. Decision speed provides a competitive edge.
  3. Intangibles increasingly account for performance.
  4. Performance happens at the team level.

Learn more about the Four Principles for the Future of Work by reading the full story on LinkedIn, and learn about the M.S. in Information and Knowledge Strategy.