Strategic workforce planning (SWP) aims to get the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. But that’s easier said than done. Several years ago, global food and beverage company PepsiCo realized that its SWP efforts were often stalled by a lack of clarity on what the right workforce would look like in the near future. In the article, PepsiCo’s human capital strategy leaders Damien DeLuca and Beverly Tarulli, Ph.D. -- who also lectures for Columbia’s Human Capital Management students -- detail how they helped to refine the company’s SWP efforts and ultimately increase profitability.
With increasing organizational complexity, PepsiCo integrated new data channels and aligned processes to account for factors like talent diversity and scarcity, new digital technologies and modes of working, and a broadening set of stakeholders. The results were an enhanced SWP process that is better able to quantify how talent drives financial performance, links local needs with global solutions, and ensures that business goals and talent needs are aligned for success.
Read the full article in the Fall 2019 issue of the HR People + Strategy Journal.