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Decoding the Essentials: 10 Key Factors to Consider when Selecting a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Solution

In today's increasingly interconnected world, ensuring the security of software applications is essential. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) solutions are critical in identifying vulnerabilities early in the development process. However, choosing the right SAST solution requires careful consideration. 

Here are ten key considerations organizations should prioritize when selecting a SAST solution to empower secure software development:

1. Accuracy and Depth of Analysis

When evaluating SAST solutions, it’s important to consider their ability to comprehensively scan multiple programming languages and frameworks while delivering accurate results. Rigorous testing and a proven track record in identifying a wide range of security issues are also important factors to consider.

2. Integration and Automation

Seamless integration with existing development tools and workflows is critical for a streamlined security testing process. A SAST solution that easily integrates into your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, development environments, and issue-tracking applications will minimize manual effort and ensure security is integrated seamlessly into the software development lifecycle.

3. Scalability and Performance

The SAST solution must efficiently handle large and complex codebases without compromising analysis speed and accuracy. The solution should be able to scale along with your organization's growth, accommodating increased code volume and parallel development efforts.

4. Customization and Rules Flexibility

Choose a SAST solution that allows customization and flexible rule configurations to align with your specific requirements. Configuring custom scanning rules and prioritizing particular vulnerabilities ensures the solution is optimized for your organization's security goals.

5. Actionable Reporting and Remediation Support

Comprehensive and actionable reports are essential for developers and security teams to prioritize and address identified vulnerabilities. Integration with issue-tracking applications facilitates efficient collaboration between developers and security teams for faster resolution. Look for a SAST solution that provides clear, detailed reports, prioritized findings, remediation guidance, and references to secure coding practices.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Loop

Real-time feedback is essential to maintain security throughout the development process. A robust SAST solution should support continuous monitoring by seamlessly integrating with your CI/CD pipelines and conducting incremental scans. This will allow developers to receive immediate feedback on introduced vulnerabilities, allowing for prompt remediation and ensuring security becomes integral to development iterations.

7. False Positive Management

False positives can be time-consuming and hinder developer productivity. Opt for a SAST solution that employs advanced techniques such as machine learning to reduce false positives effectively. Intelligent filtering mechanisms help minimize noise, enabling developers to focus on genuine vulnerabilities and optimize their time and efforts.

8. Vendor Expertise and Support

When evaluating SAST solution vendors, it’s important to consider the expertise and support they provide. A vendor with a strong reputation, proven industry expertise, and a commitment to ongoing research and development is more likely to deliver a reliable product. Responsive customer support, access to security experts, and training programs can also enhance the value of the chosen solution.

9. Integration with DevSecOps Practices

Choose a SAST solution that aligns with DevSecOps principles by integrating security seamlessly into the development process. Look for features such as “security-as-code” and “APIs” that facilitate automation and collaboration between development, security, and operations teams. This ensures that security testing is continuous and proactive and does not hinder development velocity.

10. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

A cost-effective solution should provide a balance between price and the benefits it offers in terms of enhanced software security. When evaluating SAST solutions, it’s important to consider the total cost of ownership (TCO). The TCO includes licensing fees, infrastructure requirements, ongoing support costs, and the value the solution delivers to your organization.

In conclusion, selecting the right SAST solution is important in building secure software. By considering the ten key considerations outlined in this article, organizations can make informed decisions that align with their needs and security goals. By embracing the power of SAST solutions, organizations can pave the way for a safer digital future.


About the Program

The Master of Science in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program at Columbia University prepares graduates to inform better risk-reward decisions by providing a complete, robust, and integrated picture of both upside and downside volatility across an entire enterprise.

Columbia's ERM program is a thriving community of leading scholars and practitioners. The program equips graduates with a dynamic toolkit of proven advanced management skills that inform better risk-reward decisions by providing a robust comprehensive picture of both upside and downside volatility across an entire enterprise. The curriculum supports this mission with a focus on all areas of risk, including strategy, operations, finance, and insurance. The program offers flexible full-time and part-time options, with classes offered on campus and online.

About the Author

Kiran Bhujle, Global Managing Director at SVAM International, oversees its Security Advisory Group. With over 25 years of experience in risk management, he helped numerous organizations manage their technology risks and transformation programs, and is a member of the Cybersecurity Advisory Board for Harvard Business Review and an Executive member of the Forbes Technology Council. Bhujle is an adjunct faculty member in Columbia University’s Masters in Enterprise Risk Management Program. He teaches the elective course Technology Risk Management, offered every term,  and the core course Strategic Communications for Risk Professionals, available in the fall and spring semesters. 
