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Taking Space: Women, Peace, & Leadership

PROGRAM: The Feminist Resistance of Pirañas Crew Photography [download here]

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In observance of International Women’s Month, the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, & Complexity (AC4) and MS in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (NECR) program are pleased to present the inaugural event of the Women, Peace, and Leadership (WPF) program: Talking Space: Women, Peace, and Leadership. This dynamic event will delve into the role of women in various aspects of peace and security. 

Join us for a vibrant, multidisciplinary panel discussion on women’s leadership in peace, negotiation, and security, followed by a screening of La Ciudad de las Amigas (The City of Friends) - a documentary by Juliana Ruiz about Pirañas Crew, which explores the role of collective action led by Colombian women. The event will conclude with a Q&A with Pirañas Crew members Anyela Vanegas Arango, Lieke Prins, and Juliana Ruiz.

Stay for a networking reception and photography exhibit after the event. 

The photographic exhibition is by Dutch photographer Lin Wondendorp, who accompanied Pirañas Crew in 2023 to take portraits of the women behind the collective and their feminist resistance in murals and demonstrations.

Event program:

Introductory remarks by SPS Senior Associate Dean Zelon Crawford

Part 1: Women, Peace, and Leadership Panel
- Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Professor of Practice (Moderator)
- Flynn Coleman, Human Rights Attorney and Author
- Julia Vassileva, Visiting Scholar, Columbia University's Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity
- Catherine Andela, UN Department of Peace Operations

Part 2: Feminizing the Street
Screening of La Ciudad de las Amigas (The City of Friends) [Colombia, 22 min.]. A documentary by Juliana Ruiz about Pirañas Crew,
- Joan Lopez, Moderator
- Q&A with Pirañas Crew members Anyela Vanegas Arango, Lieke Prins, Juliana Ruiz


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