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Curriculum & Courses

The curriculum develops competency in the core sciences related to environmental biology – chemistry, biology, earth sciences, statistics, and conservation biology. Students will also take two advanced classes in ecology, evolution, organismal biology, or environmental policy.

To find and register for courses, refer to the Columbia University Directory of Courses and select the Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Department.



The E3B Certificate includes:


This curriculum can be adjusted for students who have already taken one or two of the basic courses. Students are required to maintain an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 (B). Every course creditable toward the certificate must be taken for a letter grade. Courses with a grade below a C will not count toward the completion of the certificate. Students who successfully complete the prescribed curriculum are awarded a Certificate in Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology. (Precise point total can vary, depending on a student’s experience.)