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A typical promotion in the intensive program and in the 6-point Academic Writing class is one full level after 14 weeks of solid progress.

Despite hard work, sometimes insufficient progress is made and a promotion does not occur.

For both Intensive and Academic Writing students, a two-level promotion is highly exceptional.

Students in Listening & Speaking and Pronunciation do not receive level promotions. 

End-of-Course Promotions

Promotions are the product of careful consultation among faculty members. In most ALP courses they are based on:

  • work done throughout the semester
  • final assessments

Students in level 7 and higher enrolled in part‐time Academic Writing are assessed by a portfolio of work. The portfolio includes four items:

  • A summary
  • The third draft of an argumentative essay
  • An in-class argumentative essay on a known topic
  • A reflection 

Promotion Appeals

Per University policy, accommodations cannot be made retroactively. This means once assessments have been completed and results given, the outcome is final 

Appeals are very rare and may be made only in the most unusual of circumstances, within one week of the student receiving official notification of results. 

  • "Unusual circumstances" might include, but are not limited to: environmental factors, sudden illness, or acts of God during an exam that prevented you from completing it.
  • Your appeal will require a clear reason why unusual circumstances apply in your case.

The following are not acceptable reasons for appeal and will be rejected:

  • "I deserve a better promotion / I deserve a two-level promotion.”
  • "I can do better if I have another chance."
  • "I cannot afford to take the class again."
  • "I felt ill during the exam."

Based on the above, if you believe you qualify for an appeal, complete this form. (Requires Columbia UNI login)

  • Your appeal will require a clear reason why unusual circumstances apply in your case.
  • Do not appeal to your instructor.
  • Do not appeal in person in 504 Lewisohn.

If the ALP determines there are reasonable grounds for an appeal: 

  • The exam or portfolio of work is re‐reviewed by new readers.
  • The ALP reports the results back to student and the admissions officer/advisor within one week.

Academic Advisement

Where possible, the ALP recommends consultation with course instructors for students seeking academic advisement regarding their English proficiency.

After receiving a result, students can, if they wish, request an appointment with ALP personnel to review their strengths and areas for improvement in English. However, in general such feedback will already have been provided during the semester by course instructors. Such meetings cannot be used for appeal of course promotion. Note: once a new semester has begun, reviews are no longer possible. Course assignments provide equivalent evidence of overall ability and instructors will provide detailed feedback on these instead. 

To schedule an appointment, email the ALP Director, Mary Pickett, at mp3045 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu (mp3045[at]columbia[dot]edu).