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Sarah Gelbard: Business Certificate Student Finds Continuing Coursework a ‘Differentiator’ in Successful Job Search

Prior to coming to Columbia University School of Professional Studies, Sarah Gelbard was working full-time in Manhattan and knew she wanted to pursue continuing education as a differentiator while applying for new jobs going forward. 

She was accepted to the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business program at SPS and the experience has already yielded dividends: Gelbard found a new job earlier this spring that specifically valued her return to schooling.

We caught up with Gelbard to learn more about how her coursework has helped her moving forward:

What has your experience at Columbia been like?

So far it's been great. I am only attending part-time, but it's everything I have hoped for. 

What were your favorite courses? 

My favorite class so far has been Marketing Strategy. All of my professors have been wonderful. I really loved Sandy Becker. He was an amazing professor who helped me significantly during my semester taking Marketing Strategy. 

How did the coursework help you in your career? 

This coursework was a wonderful differentiator for me when I was in the process of interviewing. I recently received an offer at the end of March to be a Client Development Manager at Dentsu Aegis Network . 

During my interview process everyone was very impressed with my dedication to go back for more schooling and find what really interests me. I later realized everyone on my team also went back to school to further their education. 

Once receiving my job offer, they even increased the salary based on me continuing my education, and felt it was a true value having me come on board. 

What advice would you give to future students in the Business Certificate program?

Take classes that interest you but also go out of your comfort zone and try to take a course or two that will broaden your horizons and be applicable to anything you choose to do in your future.

What are your hopes for the future? 

I plan to continue my education and apply it to everything I do in the future. I am very grateful to have been accepted into this program and I would recommend it to anyone looking to continue their learning after undergrad.

Learn more about the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Business at Columbia University School of Professional Studies.