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An Insurance Management Student's Mission to Support Underserved Communities

“It’s exactly what I was looking for.” That’s how Nimo Adam describes her experience in the Columbia School of Professional Studies (SPS) Master of Professional Studies in Insurance Management program so far.

As an immigrant with more than 25 years in the insurance industry, Nimo has always been passionate about using her expertise to serve underresourced communities. Her own journey after arriving in the U.S. taught her the value of resilience and support. At this stage in her career, she aims to make a lasting impact on these communities by using her expertise to create new insurance solutions. 

Since studying Business Administration at West London College, Nimo has built an extensive career in the insurance management field. Despite this, she remains eager to expand her knowledge, particularly given the ever-evolving nature of the insurance ecosystem. Though she has only been in the program for a short time, Nimo believes that the insights she is gaining will empower her to develop innovative approaches to challenges in the industry.  

What is your current role?

I have been a senior claims executive at Zurich North America for around 10 years now. As such, I am responsible for relationship management of our large and complex customers both globally and domestically. I collaborate with business units and functional groups to implement strategies that are aimed at value-added services.

Why did you choose the Columbia SPS Insurance Management program?

What better program to participate in than Columbia’s? The immense amount of knowledge in every single classroom from fellow professionals and expert instructors is not something you can find anywhere else. I truly think that this is the place to be.

The program’s structure also drew me in. I have a very busy schedule with work, school, and kids, so the program being asynchronous was very important to me. It also gives me the opportunity to explore different fields in the insurance management industry. I worked in the claims department for a long time and collaborated with other units, but this program is teaching me the ins and outs of areas that I otherwise would not have been exposed to. Having completed just three courses, I am confident that the knowledge I am gaining now is giving me a holistic perspective on how to create solutions for challenges in the industry management field.

More importantly, I have another 5–10 years in the industry before I retire, and one of my key focuses is helping underserved communities. I came to this country after being displaced by the civil war in Somalia, and as an immigrant, my journey was marked by an unrelenting determination to build a better future for my family. Navigating through the challenges of starting over in a new country deepened my empathy for those who are affected by difficult events and gave me an immense appreciation for the core mission of the insurance industry, which is to financially restore individuals, businesses, and communities during times of uncertainty and distress. Over time, I have come to the realization that achieving a greater impact requires advanced expertise, which is why I decided to continue my education through the SPS Insurance Management program.

How would you describe your experience in the program so far?

I have gained immense knowledge not only from my classes, but from my cohort. For example, in one of my classes, we looked at climate change and its effect on insurance—something that I might not have explored on my own. The class challenged me to look at information beyond its surface value, delve into the factors that led to the current state of climate change, and think about how the insurance industry can play a role in resolving these issues. 

Conversations with my cohort have been just as impactful. The way I look at a prompt or an issue is not the same way that my peers look at it. They could be looking at it from a regulations perspective, whereas I’m looking at it from a customer service perspective, and someone else is looking at it from an underwriting perspective. When you put all of these ideas together, it gives you a holistic view of the complexity that we’re dealing with as an industry. 

Another key element is the accessibility of the instructors. They encourage us to reach out anytime and make sure they’re available to answer all of our questions fully. This level of connectivity, especially in an online program, has been key to building a strong network of experts and fellow professionals.

What has been the most valuable skill you have gained through the program?

This has been an incredible journey for me. The program has, in just three courses, sparked my entrepreneurial side. I feel better equipped to take on the challenges and gaps of the industry and work to develop solutions. As I am building knowledge, my first thought is always, “Okay, what am I going to do with this? Who can I help?” I’m a big believer in the value of insurance because I know that when it is put to use, it can truly change peoples’ lives. Throughout my work, I’ve had the privilege of guiding individuals and families through complex and often overwhelming processes—giving them the support that they need during difficult times.

By far the most valuable thing the program has done for me has been empowering me to lead change in the industry. I can develop a new insurance product and can contribute in infinite ways—identifying gaps in the market for the communities I want to serve and creating innovative insurance solutions beyond the options that currently exist.

How do you see the current state of the insurance management industry and how is it evolving?

The changes we’ve seen in the insurance industry are actually a big reason why I decided to join the program when I did. The industry today looks very different from what it looked like even five years ago. The challenges and processes were different, and new technology has come to play a huge part in the way we do business. Having been in the business for over 25 years, I can say that if you’re not keeping up with the changes happening in the field, you’ll be left behind.

That’s why, even with many years of experience in the field, it made sense for me to push myself to learn more about an industry that is constantly evolving. With this knowledge, I have the power to truly make a difference for underrepresented communities.

About the Program

The Master of Professional Studies in Insurance Management is for career professionals who want to accelerate their advancement to leadership positions or broaden their expertise in the industry. It accommodates both professionals already working in insurance and those looking to make a career change. The program is part-time, online, and instruction is asynchronous to accommodate working professionals.

Applications are reviewed and candidates are accepted on a rolling basis for the M.P.S. in Insurance Management program. The final deadline for fall 2025 is June 1. Learn more about the program here.

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