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Exploring the World of Risk and ESG

From private equity and investment research in Beijing and Shanghai to risk management and climate roles in Boston and New York, M.S. in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) student Yichen Han’s academic and career journey demonstrates a truly global risk management perspective.

Driven by a commitment to ESG (environmental, social, and governance), Han has found a powerful platform in the Columbia Global ESG Leadership Association (CGELA), the Columbia chapter of a non-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing global ESG and sustainable challenges by leveraging the insights and expertise of university communities.

In a conversation with the ERM program, Han highlighted the courses, challenges, and experiences that have helped her build a solid foundation for her future career.

What made you apply to the ERM master’s program?

My undergraduate degree was in finance. I have a good understanding of financial markets and have also had an internship at a private equity investment firm. During this internship, I did some investment research for private sector entities to support decisions made by the investment committee. The study applied a holistic view of all company risks, and this experience made me develop a keen interest in enterprise risk management.

The ERM program at Columbia met all the requirements I was looking for in a postgraduate course with a comprehensive curriculum that allowed us to learn all aspects of enterprise risk management. The elective course ESG & ERM and the optional selective Financial Risk Management are particularly interesting to me for course offerings at Columbia.

Columbia University also has an excellent reputation for faculty and student experience. It is in the heart of New York City and offers an abundance of career prospects, which was very important for me. The faculty are all industry professionals with experience in risk management.

Has there been a particular course that influenced or interested you in a specific sector?

The elective ESG & ERM has been my favorite course to date. I had some ESG knowledge before taking this course, which I acquired during my undergraduate program and internship. ESG & ERM has given me a lot of new knowledge: It introduces ESG from a risk manager perspective. The course is comprehensive, providing an overview of the components of ESG and the regulatory frameworks in place in the marketplace. It also guides how a company will align with the frameworks and ensure ongoing compliance. This course has benefited me and enhanced my knowledge and skills in this key emerging area of risk management.

What are you most grateful about in your time at Columbia?

The people in the ERM program are very supportive, and I enjoy spending time with them. I’ve had incredible experiences working with the professors, faculty, and other program staff. Everyone is accommodating and willing to provide networking advice, make introductions to faculty and alumni, and invest time in résumé review and interview preparation.

What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome, and what skills did you employ to overcome it?

It takes time and effort to find an internship during the program. I had to plan my time well and start early. This process was challenging as I also had to balance my course load and job search. It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to submit résumés, prepare for interviews, and network. Sometimes you may have an interview on the same day as an exam; this is a challenge you need to get comfortable with.

What is your proudest academic or professional accomplishment?

I have been involved in the Columbia Global ESG Leadership Association (CGELA), and being involved in the Columbia University community is essential.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

The Columbia ERM program is a very supportive community. Get engaged early, and stay active within the program. Take advantage of different opportunities to learn and grow, build networks with peers, professors, and alums, seek suggestions and advice—and stay curious!

About the Program

The Master of Science in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program at Columbia University prepares graduates to inform better risk-reward decisions by providing a complete, robust, and integrated picture of both upside and downside volatility across an entire enterprise.

Fall 2025 application deadlines for the M.S. in Enterprise Risk Management program are March 15, 2025, for applicants with international documents, and May 1, 2025, for the final deadline. Learn more here.

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