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Kara Fransted, '22SPS, Wealth Management

Alumni, Wealth Management; Chief Operations Officer, KMH Financial Services, LLC

Kara Fransted, CFP® is a 2022 graduate of Columbia University's M.P.S. in Wealth Management program and a founding donor of the Wealth Management Advancing Diversity Fellowship Program. Contact her at kjf2142 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu

How does this program differentiate from an MBA?

I did originally look at an MBA. I really wanted something specific to Wealth Management but at the time I started looking for a program, nothing existed except MBAs and M.S. in Finance. I figured an MBA would give me more broad exposure than I needed. However, I ended up finding the Columbia Wealth Management Program right when they started advertising and I was very excited. I knew that I wanted to make FInancial Advisor my career and that a specific degree would be more useful than a broad one.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to prospective students?

Apply. It’s intimidating to try ink about applying with everything you have going on in your life but make the time and apply.

What are the benefits of this asynchronous program from a learning and networking perspective?

I was worried about not being able to form close relationships with my classmates but my class was very close. People have gotten used to communicating and developing friendships from long distances and it was very rewarding.

How were you able to build meaningful relationships in this online program? How did you engage with faculty, students, and guest speakers?

It started with emails and then became zoom calls, text messages, and long chats. The program does a great job of engaging students in socials and online activities to promote togetherness.

How did your career change during and/or after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management?

I took the next step. My career to a full advisor as soon as I graduated. It was very rewarding.

How have you been able to integrate what you have learned in the program into the workplace? Please give a specific example if applicable.

You can learn something on Monday and use it on Tuesday. It has immediate application. I was just recently In a meeting where I made a suggestion that made the senior advisor stop and looks at me like “where did you get that, it’s brilliant!” And the client was very pleased.

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