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Jenifer Bloodsworth, '22SPS, Wealth Management

National Account Manager, First Eagle Investments

Jenifer Bloodsworth is a 2022 graduate of Columbia University's M.P.S. in Wealth Management program and a founding donor of the Wealth Management Advancing Diversity Fellowship Program. Contact her at jdb2236 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

Why did you choose the Master of Professional Studies in Wealth Management at the Columbia School of Professional Studies? 

I chose Columbia’s M.P.S. in Wealth Management for a number of reasons. While I have worked in the finance industry for many years, my undergraduate degree was in communications. Wealth management is such a rich body of expertise that I wanted to obtain a graduate-level degree in it. If I was going to invest in myself at this point in my life and career, I wanted it to be the very best investment. After looking at a number of programs, I felt Columbia’s program was the best out there because of the robust curriculum and the scholar-practitioners who draw on their expertise and experiences in the industry. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to prospective students? 

This program is harder and a bigger commitment than I anticipated, but it was well worth the effort. You will get out of it what you put into it.

What are the benefits of this asynchronous program from a learning and networking perspective?

Do not be fooled into thinking that this asynchronous program is a learn-at-your-own-pace, solo endeavor. There is a lot of group work which makes for a close-knit experience with your cohort. I have an incredible network coming out of this program that I can call in for the rest of my career. 

How did you engage with faculty, students, and guest speakers? 

The group work, the office hours, and the in-person residencies all fostered a real esprit de corps among the students and the faculty. Similarly, the guest speakers were very accessible, too.  

How did your career change during and/or after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management?

I changed firms after the program and feel that the Columbia credentials set me apart from other candidates. 

How have you been able to integrate what you have learned in the program into the workplace? 

In my current role, I am now one of a select few seminar presenters on behavioral finance. I would not have had this opportunity if it were not for the knowledge and credibility I received from the program. 

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