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Frances Suarez, '24SPS, Wealth Management

VP, Client Specialist, Edge Capital Group

How does this program differentiate from an M.B.A. (if applicable)? 

I chose the Master of Professional Studies in Wealth Management at Columbia because I wanted to expand my knowledge in the financial industry and dive deep into all aspects of wealth management. This focus helps me give the best advice to my clients. Unlike an M.B.A., which covers a wide range of business topics, this program zeroes in on wealth management, giving me the specific skills and know-how I need for this field.

How were you able to build meaningful relationships in this online program? How did you engage with faculty, students, and guest speakers? 

I built meaningful relationships in the online program that I know will last a lifetime. Many cohort colleagues became friends, not just group members. We engaged through orientation in NYC and virtual group projects, staying in constant touch for both academic and personal matters. Engaging with faculty was easy through virtual office hours and discussion forums allowing for interactive and insightful exchanges. These connections truly created a supportive network.

How did your career change during and/or after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management? 

My career significantly advanced during and after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management. I used everything I learned in this program to better assist our clients with various financial planning aspects. This expertise helped me achieve the Certified Financial Planner designation, opening doors to new opportunities and elevating my professional standing. Overall, the program gave me the skills and credentials to the next level in wealth management.