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Thomas Boyer, '24SPS, Wealth Management

Senior Wealth Advisor, Mariner Wealth Advisors

Why did you choose the Master of Professional Studies in Wealth Management at the Columbia School of Professional Studies? Three reasons:

1. As an experienced industry professional, it was important for me to learn what I didn’t know about the current state of the wealth management industry. I was confident in my skill set, but also excited to learn from the best and most pertinent educational program available to me. 

2. It was important for me to work on improving my professional competence and to be the best financial advisor for my clients as possible.

3. I wanted to be a role model for my son, and also use the education from the program to help develop the team of professionals I managed.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to prospective students? 

Focus on your school and work life balance. Don’t let work or school overwhelm you. Relax and do what is front of you as soon as you can get to it. Keeping your workload from school or work manageable and organized will allow you to maintain higher-quality work. Most importantly, have fun with each course and look at ways to learn as much as possible and apply what you learn to improve your performance in future client meetings.  

What are the benefits of this asynchronous program from a learning and networking perspective?

The professors and instructors are highly qualified and respected industry professionals. Utilize your open lines of communication with your instructors for career advice and professional development. You can also learn from cohorts about their first-hand experience with different organizations and opportunities that may be available. Use the opportunity to learn about the entire wealth management landscape from the real-life experience of other students.  

How did your career change during and/or after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management?

I was not considering a career change when I entered the program. However, during the program I learned about different firms and opportunities that I had not known about before. I was introduced to a new firm first through Professor Christina Lynn and then again through a trip to Impact 2023 sponsored by Columbia. After a lot of due diligence and research I decided to accept an offer to transition from my former firm to a new firm. This was a wonderful opportunity unlocked by my experience at Columbia.