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Welcome Back, SPS Students!

School is back in full swing this fall semester, and the School of Professional Studies is thrilled to welcome back close to 3,800 graduate and certificate students, both online and in person. They hail from across the United States and 84 other countries. Over the past month, SPS students had the opportunity to explore Columbia’s campus, meet new friends, and learn more about what SPS has to offer.


Below are a few photos from the past few weeks of orientation and residency programs.

SPS orientation
Almost 400 international students from SPS enjoyed our orientation fair at the Forum on August 29. All international students starting their first semester at SPS were invited to the international student orientation that included workshops, an in-person information session, and a fun social. Photo credit: Sirin Samman
SPS staff at orientation
Staff from SPS’s Office of Student Life brought the fun at our student organization fair on Ancell Plaza. More than 350 students got a chance to learn about campus resources and the almost 40 clubs at SPS. Photo credit: Sirin Samman
SPS students at orientation
Students at the academic program breakout session on August 30 had an opportunity to meet with leaders and representatives from their academic programs, learn about their coursework, and get to know fellow classmates. Photo credit: Kevin Dale
Students with Roar-ee
Sports Management graduate students and program faculty got to meet Columbia’s favorite celebrity lion, Roar-ee, at a Dodge Fitness Center on August 30. The 56 new students in the program participated in introductory workshops, a fencing lesson, and a trip to Citi Field to watch the Mets play the Texas Rangers. Photo credit: Dalissa Ruiz
Orientation presentation
Around 170 Sustainability Management (SUMA) and Sustainability Science graduate students attended the programs’ orientation event at Faculty House on August 30. Valentina Alicia Muñoz Venezian ('23SPS, SUMA), former SUMA student association president, spoke at the event. Photo credit: Cole Giordano
WMGT residency cohort
The Wealth Management program held a three-day in-person residency program for its online graduate student cohort back in mid-August. The residency helps new students meet and build community with their peers, the faculty, and the Columbia SPS administration and staff.  Photo credit: Michael DiVito