Join in next week for Welcome Home Columbia, happening January 17–20. Whether you are a new or a returning student, this series of events will introduce you to University resources and allow you to connect with fellow students.
All Welcome Home Columbia events are free and open to students across all schools and campuses. Just bring your CUID!
BIPOC Affinity Space
Tuesday, January 17
In-Person, Allan Rosenfield Building
This program is designed for historically marginalized and underrepresented students to network, socialize, and interact. Although the focus of the program is on graduate students and a particular identity, all students are welcome. Affinity spaces are meant to be informal and casual. Learn more
Trivia Table
Tuesday, January 17, noon–4:00 p.m.
In-Person, Butler Library
Stop by our table in Butler Library to try your luck at answering one of our trivia questions! Trivia topics will cover Columbia University, campus fun facts, office and resource questions, and much more. Answer a question correctly to win a prize! Learn more
Pin Your Columbia Pride
Tuesday, January 17, 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
In-Person, Wien Hall Lounge
Join us for a button design event! Showcase your creativity by using art supplies or digital media to design your own school-spirit-themed button. Love your design? Enter it into our Button Design Competition! The winning design will be printed and given out as limited-edition swag. RSVP here
Financial Well-Being: Q&A Session
Wednesday, January 18, noon–1:00 p.m.
Student Financial Services is partnering with University Life to answer your questions about financial aid, budgeting, and University resources. Submit your questions when you register or ask anonymously during the session. Registration is required. Register here
LGBTQ+ Affinity Space
Wednesday, January 18, 4:00–5:00 p.m.
In-Person, Wien Hall Lounge
University Life is excited to host an affinity space for the LGBTQ+ community. This affinity space is dedicated to bringing students together around shared interests and identities to network, engage, and build community with one another. Affinity spaces are meant to be informal and casual. Learn more
Virtual Speed Friending
Wednesday, January 18, 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Meet new people, make connections, and take part in a group scavenger hunt. The first three teams to complete the hunt win University Life swag! Learn more
Disability Affinity Space
Thursday, January 19, 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
In-Person, Butler Library
This affinity space for the disability community will bring students together to network, engage, and socialize. All students are welcome. Affinity spaces are meant to be informal and casual. RSVP here
Columbia Clue Chase
Friday, January 20, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
In-Person, Philosophy Hall (Morningside Campus) and/or the Mailman School of Public Health Lobby Student Lounge (CUIMC)
Find QR codes and solve riddles to explore Columbia’s incredible resources and learn about the Morningside and/or CUIMC campuses. You can participate on either campus or on both, and the more locations you visit, the better your chances are of finishing the chase, earning swag, and winning raffle prizes. Register and be assigned to a team or sign up with friends. Register here
Day of Service: Free Minds Poem Review
Friday, January 20, noon–2:00 p.m.
In-Person, Butler Library
In partnership with Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop, gather to read and offer feedback on writings and poems by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated youths and adults to motivate and support individuals in their pursuit of a new chapter. RSVP here
For a full list of Columbia’s University Life events, visit https://universitylife.columbia.edu/events, and find a complete listing of 2023 Weeks of Welcome events on Engage or on the SPS website.