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Robert Anderson on Current Projects and Advice to Students

Are you working on any projects related to negotiation and/or conflict resolution?

Yes. Currently, I am working with a biotech company in New Jersey. The purpose of the training is to help professionals from different departments and backgrounds work together more effectively by improving their skills at managing conflict constructively. My colleague and I have created case studies and role plays that reflect the challenges of their work environment.

Additionally, I will also conduct a negotiation skills workshop for a Wall Street bank for professionals from different parts of the company. The course focuses on collaborative negotiation skills for working more effectively with clients and colleagues.

What advice would you give to students entering the field of negotiations and conflict resolution?

I find that informational interviewing is a really good way to get started in this field. You meet with people who are doing the kind of work that you would like to do, and ask them about their work and how they got started. This is the approach described in the book What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles. It a great way to identify opportunities and build a network of mentors and supporters who can support you in your career development.