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Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Webinar: Formal Axiology—Practical Application During Turbulent Times

As a student, graduation finally arrives and you walk across the stage to receive your degree. You find that you have the knowledge and capability to do the job you have prepared for. However, you enter the workforce only to discover that you are having difficulties transitioning that education into practical application.

As a professor, the passion to develop your students is confronted with despair when you find out that a large percentage of those you taught and guided are falling prey to the realities that you knew they would face in the world, yet you are powerless to help them after graduation. Worse yet, you yourself are facing similar challenges outside of work.

What do you do?

Formal Axiology is a science developed by Robert S. Hartman, Ph.D. It existed as a philosophy until Dr. Hartman applied mathematics to it in order to scientifically measure how the brain makes a decision. This webinar will provide a quick introduction to Formal Axiology and how people can use it to solve any problem that may present itself in the turbulent times that we live in. The webinar ends with a discussion about how Formal Axiology (Hartman Value Profile (HVP) ™ - Axiometrics International) combined with Internal Motivators (Motivators - Value Index (VI) ™ - Innermetrix International) and understanding one’s communication style (DISC360 Assessment™) can lead to improved performance overall. The beauty here is that we can finally measure it all, and we have a way of training the brain to self-regulate around these measures.

About the Speaker
Dr. Debra McClendon is a multi-talented speaker/teacher/facilitator with experience in strategy, Information Systems, Organizational Development, Talent Development, and Neuroscience. As the CEO of Brain Training Institute (BTI), she provides executive coaching using Formal Axiology and brain training through Electroencephalogram Neurofeedback (EEG NFB) equipment.

In her multi-faceted role as Director of Learning & Development, EEG NFB technician, and executive coach, Dr. McClendon develops curricula and teaches classes around her research to help individuals and organizations excel and grow through coaching, teaching, and self-regulation tools.

Dr. McClendon helps people with learning disorders and those who experience stress to focus and sleep better by training the brain to self-regulate itself using EEG NFB. Individuals wanting to achieve peak performance in sports and at work benefit tremendously as well. Her work was solidified in a study she performed for her dissertation titled The Integration of Value Cognition and Electroencephalogram Neurofeedback (NFB): The impact on stress and engagement. This study revealed significant improvements in stress, anxiety, and sleep when value cognition coaching and EEG NFB were administered together. Debra attended Biola University, where she received a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership. She later attended Fielding Graduate University and received a Master of Arts degree in Human Development and a Ph.D. in Human & Organizational Systems. During her studies at Fielding she also completed a 12-month coaching certificate in Evidence Based Coaching (EBC), which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.


Debra W. McClendon, Ph.D., CEO, Executive Coach, and EEG Neurofeedback Technician