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Eric Marcus on Developing a Global Community

In addition to teaching in the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution M.S. program, Dr. Marcus is currently working with the Global Community Forum (GCF) at Columbia University to begin defining and developing ways of forming an effective, cooperative global community across disciplines.

It was founded on the belief that only through a well-functioning global community can we address some of our world’s problems and preserve and enhance the life of all citizens on the planet. Initial efforts are aimed at bringing the resources of the university together to generate knowledge and thought across disciplines. This is an ambitious endeavor, spearheaded by social psychologist and Professor Emeritus Morton Deutsch. The group is in the planning stage for a public roundtable to be held in Fall 2013 that will bring together different disciplines across the university, including Psychology, Economics, Education, Political Science, Environmental Studies, and others, to address the challenges of developing a global community. As a psychologist, Dr. Marcus is interested in looking at certain conflicts that are generated in decision-making that allow us not to get trapped in the tragedy of the commons (focusing on short-term self-interest that ultimately destroys both long-term communal interest and self-interest).

Dr. Marcus enjoys working with NECR students through what is often their first course in the program: Introduction to Negotiation.  He also teaches courses at the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), and in the Summer Principal’s Academy in New York and New Orleans. He has an active consulting practice in the areas of team and organization development. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University and B.A. from SUNY Binghamton.