Earlier this month, nearly 300 School of Professional Studies (SPS) students, staff, and faculty gathered for the third annual SPS Friendsgiving celebration at Low Memorial Library on the Morningside campus. The festive event is a collaboration between SPS Student Government (SPSSG), the Dean's Office, and the Office of Student Life.
Guests were treated to a traditional Thanksgiving meal with turkey and all the fixings and had the chance to hear from Troy Eggers, dean of SPS, and Elena Wilson, SPSSG president and student in the M.S. in Nonprofit Management program. In the spirit of giving, SPSSG members took the opportunity to fundraise for NYC Food Bank, raising more than $400 for the charity.
To top off the night, Roar-ee the Lion even made a special appearance!
Check out some photos below from this year’s celebration.

Dean Troy Eggers speaking to the dinner attendees about his gratitude for the SPS community and what we have to be thankful for in our lives.

Roar-ee the Lion making his entrance into Low’s rotunda.

Elena Wilson (Nonprofit Management), SPSSG president.

School of Professional Studies Student Government members with Roar-ee the Lion.