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VOLVOX: Making Narrative Medicine Happen Alumni Speaker Series

Parallel Charting for Medical Students: 

A Pilot Program with Maya J. Sorini, MS '20

Moderated by: Cherie Henderson, PhD, MS'14

Parallel charting offers practitioners the chance to write reflectively about their experiences rendering care. It was first used with medical students to help them reflect and develop their professional identities, though few have studied the effect this practice can have on students. Maya J. Sorini will present her work to create and research a parallel-charting curriculum at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine with help from a NM Alumnx Fellowship and her med school faculty.

Maya J. Sorini is a medical student, essayist, and award-winning poet. Her first collection, The Boneheap in the Lion's Den, won the 2023 Press 53 Award for Poetry and was a semifinalist for the 2024 Poetry Society of Virginia North American Book Award. Maya has taught in Columbia University's Narrative Medicine program and continues to work as a freelance workshop facilitator and lecturer. Her work has appeared in arts and medical journals including The Journal of Medical Humanities, Intima Magazine, The Brown Journal of Medical Humanities, and the Journal of the American Medical Association. Maya is a fourth-year student at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, applying for emergency-medicine residency.

Smiling redhead in sleeveless green blouse