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Promising Approaches to Moral Distress Among Nurses

Panel discussion on promising approaches to moral distress within the nursing profession co-sponsored by Columbia's Bioethics Program and the Columbia School of Nursing.

Burnout and moral distress have rapidly been spreading among nurses and other healthcare providers. Columbia University’s Masters of Bioethics program and School of Nursing are pleased to offer an exciting and important webinar on “Promising Approaches to Moral Distress Among Nurses.”  Panelists will describe how their institutions have created energizing, responsive and sustainable programs to address these critical challenges. 

Accreditation Statement:

Columbia University School of Nursing Continuing Education Program is accredited as a Provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. This activity is eligible for Continuing Education (CNE) hours.

CNE: 1.5 hours

Registration Fee: Free

For further information please contact Athina Fontenot at af3018 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.
