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Metropolitan regions are characterized by their complex reciprocities between technology and people, nature and culture, with incoming and outgoing flows of energy, water, resources, and materials. They account for 70% of global GDP and an even larger share of GHG emissions and waste. New technology, reconfigured supply chains, transportation networks, architectural and engineering solutions, and other trends are changing how we think about sustainability and climate change adaptation at strategic and local levels. Today, more than ever, there is a demand to treat sustainability as a significant and strategic value driver that ensures the needs of the present without compromising the security and prosperity of future generations. We want to meet this need by contributing to the holistic perspectives and interdisciplinary conversations that explore the ideas and building blocks of delivering a more sustainable and equitable built environment. 


Steven A. Cohen, Ph.D. 
Senior Vice Dean, School of Professional Studies; Professor in the Practice of Public Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs 


Carolyn Caranante
Lecturer, M.S. in Construction Administration, School of Professional Studies; Project Manager, Tishman Construction 

David S. Goldberg, Ph.D.
Lamont Research Professor, Marine Geology & Geophysics, and Marine/Large Programs Associate Director, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, The Earth Institute; Lecturer, M.S. in Sustainability Science, School of Professional Studies

Shaun Hoyte
’16SPS, Sustainability Management 
Program Manager, Con Edison; Vice President, SPS Alumni Association 

Francisco Pineda
Program Director and Lecturer in Discipline, M.S. in Construction Administration, School of Professional Studies 

Moderated by: 

Alison Snyder
Managing Editor, Axios


Join us throughout March for the Frame Your Future Event Series 
