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Addressing Implicit Bias as Standard of Care II: Organizational Ethics and Solutions

This Columbia University Masters of Bioethics Program event is eligible for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.

Acknowledging and ameliorating implicit bias in healthcare should be viewed as a legal and moral obligation, as part of the standard of care, such that not doing so would amount to malpractice. A similar approach was taken when the inadequacy of interpretation service for LEP patients was confronted decades ago. The attitude that was confronted then, and needs to be confronted now, is the notion that providing care free of bias is an extravagance, not a part of the standard of care.

The second session of this CLE program will address the ways health care organizations can and should reframe the scope of professional ethical obligations to improve the quality of care for marginalized communities. The panel will discuss the moral obligations of organizations to acknowledge and ameliorate micro-aggressions and implicit bias in healthcare settings as part of the standard of care.

This program is eligible for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.

After you have viewed the program, please complete the evaluation and attendance affirmation below and submit them to Athina Fontenot at af3018 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu (af3018[at]columbia[dot]edu) to receive your certificate of completion.

For further information please contact Athina Fontenot at af3018 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

Information Regarding New York CLE Credits

Columbia Law School has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Board as an Accredited Provider of CLE programs. Under New York State CLE regulations, this live simultaneous transmission non-transitional CLE Program will provide 1 credit hour that can be applied toward the Areas of Professional Practice requirement and 1 credit hour that can be applied toward the Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias requirement. This CLE credit is awarded only to New York attorneys for full attendance of the Program in its entirety. Attorneys attending only part of the program are not eligible for partial credit. Attendance is determined by an attorney's submission of their Attorney Attendance Affirmation with appropriate course codes noted. On submission of the Attorney Attendance Affirmation, attorneys also should submit their completed Evaluation Form, provided by the program organizers. Please note the NYS Certificate of Attendance will be sent to the email address as it appears in the register unless otherwise noted there.
