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Write for the official blog of the Columbia University School of Professional Studies!

Are you an SPS student, faculty member, graduate or administrator? Write for Tomorrow's Minds at Work to share your SPS experience with fellow members of the community, including current and prospective students, alumni, faculty and administration. 

We're looking for professional and personal posts that provide firsthand looks at life inside and outside the classroom. Blog posts can:

  • Analyze professional issues
  • Share experiences and reflections as members of the SPS community
  • Highlight program activities, including capstone projects, internships, faculty research, conferences, special events and the accomplishments of our students and graduates 
  • Announce changes in curricula, new courses and new faculty

Content Types

Submit posts to showcase your expertise, provide advice for professionals in your field and share your experiences as a member of the SPS community. The following are suggested article types. 

  • Insights: These are articles that elevate the voices and reflections of members of the SPS community. The articles share commentary or analysis of a topical issue in the field that showcases the author’s expertise and thought leadership. Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3
  • Tips and How-To’s: These articles provide guidance for students & alums on topics such as careers, academic success, student life in NYC. Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 
  • SPS Life: These articles share reflections on SPS-related activities in the classroom, on campus, off campus and in the field.  
  • Photos: Photos that tell the story of SPS, its programs, students, faculty and alumni. Submissions should include a caption of 100-200 words. 

Members of the SPS community are also encouraged to submit announcements, news items and suggestions for impact stories. The following article types are typically written by the SPS editorial team:

  • News: A news article is typically a short update about the program, its faculty, students or alumni. For example, a faculty member publishing research or presenting at a conference would be appropriate for a news article. Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3
  • Impact Stories: This is for question & answer format articles that showcase one person, usually an alumnus, faculty member or student. Example 1 | Example 2

Submission Guidelines

  • Community Standards: All contributors are expected to exercise good judgment in conveying the values of our community to ensure appropriate content. Attacks on individuals, groups and institutions are not permitted. Contributors are invited to write about their professional experiences, but articles should not be used to advertise any business, product, or service. Fact-checking and the observance of established norms for quality are expected.
  • Length: The typical article length is 500 wordsit can be as short as 300 words, but please not much more than 800 words. Photo and video submissions should include a caption of up to 200 words. 
  • Writing Style: Keep sentences simple, shorter, and active. 
  • Mention the Program: Tie in or mention your program wherever possible.
  • Images:  Please include at least one related image to accompany the blog post. Appropriate images include headshots and photos of events or activities. Please do not submit stock images or any photos for which you do not have publishing rights. 
    • Icons are cropped to 740 x 740 pixels.
    • Wide images should be landscape and at least 1740 x 980 pixels.
    • Blog staff may use alternate images for editorial or technical reasons.  

How to Submit 

  • For Faculty and Academic Programs: If and whenever your research is published, you are mentioned in the press, you would like to submit an article, or would like our team to post an item on social media, please fill out the Communications Request Form.
  • For Current Students and Alumni: If you would like to submit an article or have an academic or professional accomplishment you would like to share, please also fill out the Communications Request Form.