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Curriculum & Courses

During a departmental orientation held in the week before the beginning of their first semester in the Program, students take a diagnostic language examination to determine their placement in ancient Greek and Latin courses. After taking the placement exam, they meet with their Faculty Adviser to establish their curriculum. The orientation also provides opportunities to get acquainted with fellow students and departmental faculty and staff, and to learn about academic careers in classics and related fields.


The curriculum consists of eight courses:

The Postbaccalaureate Seminar is open only to students in the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Classics program. In all other courses, Advanced Graduate Certificate in Classics students benefit from interaction with students pursuing graduate or undergraduate degrees at Columbia.

Classics at Columbia

Students join a close-knit community of the Department’s undergraduate majors, graduate students, and distinguished faculty for ongoing colloquia, special lectures from visiting scholars, and museum excursions that are sponsored by the Department of Classics, the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, and the University. They are also encouraged to participate in the rich cultural life of New York City, in which performances of ancient dramas at professional theaters and on local college campuses are regularly featured events. Research resources in the Department and the University are also at their full disposal.