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Thomas Passante

Senior Vice President, Toa Re America

Thomas Passante, FCAS, CERA, MAAA is a Senior Vice President and Senior Actuary at Toa Re America.  Prior to joining Toa in April of 2022, Passante was the Chief Risk Officer of Everest Re Group, Ltd., and was employed by Everest for 16 years. At Everest, he and his team were responsible for developing and maintaining Everest’s internal economic capital model, the results of which were compared to regulatory and rating agency capital requirements. In addition, results of the model were used to derive capital allocation for pricing new business. Passante also actively monitored the Group’s key risk positions to ensure that they remained within the company’s defined Risk Appetite levels, and these results were communicated to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. He also closely monitored regulatory developments around the globe, and met with various rating agencies at least once per year, to ensure that Everest was meeting or exceeding all requirements on those fronts.

Prior to joining Everest Re, Passante had worked at Swiss Re for eleven years and St. Paul Re for four years in various actuarial capacities. He is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society, a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.


  • M.S., Princeton University
  • B.E., The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art