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Richard Goldberg

Educator, investment banker (M&A) and author – Richard Goldberg has been an authority on the global financial sector since the early 1980’s.

Richard has advised a number of the world’s leading financial institutions in cross border mergers & acquisitions. He has worked with a vast array of financial decision makers at, and not limited to, Allianz, Bank of America, DE Shaw, GE Capital, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and UBS. His Wall Street career included senior positions at BlackRock, Lehman Brothers, Lazard and Wasserstein Perella.

In addition to Richard’s investment banking experience, he has been involved with the asset management and growth companies sectors. Specifically, he has served as co-CEO and board member at the former publicly traded manager, Manning & Napier as well as provided strategic advice to growth companies and their investors as a senior advisor at Needham & Company.

On the academic front, Richard is a member of the faculty of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs – SIPA and School of Professional Studies. He teaches an award-winning class on the international financial services industry, serves on the Advisory Board of SIPA and was a faculty advisor to SIPA’s Finance Society.

Furthermore, Richard has authored a best selling list book, “The Battle for Wall Street” (publisher: Wiley), taught graduate courses at Brandeis University’s International Business School as a Senior Lecturer, provided industry commentary on Bloomberg TV and NPR, and guest lectured at prominent USA and European universities.

Richard has a MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School and BS in mathematics from Boston College.


  • M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Business School
  • B.S., Mathematics, Boston College