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Oleksandra Lyulko, Ph.D.

Part-Time Lecturer

Oleksandra Lyulko is a dedicated academic instructor with more than 15 years of experience in Education and an extensive quantitative background.

She is a founder of an academic tutoring company where she devotes her passion and instructional skills to helping high-school, college, and adult students in all areas of Mathematics, Physics, and Standardized Test Preparation. Under her guidance 300+ students have improved their grades, test scores, and understanding of the subject.

Oleksandra holds a PhD in Physics and an MS in Applied Mathematics. While working on her thesis at the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University, she developed a novel method for non-invasive no-stain imaging of live biological cells that is based on interferometric properties of light, and built and installed an apparatus that allows to capture images in a liquid-immersion mode. Further, she designed and built a modification of this imaging system for use of interferometry in the presence of vibrations.

Oleksandra was also involved in the development of a high-throughput automated biodosimetry workstation and created a software for automated analysis of images of human blood lymphocytes for assessment of radiation doses received by individuals in case of a radiological event. In the framework of this project she supervised an undergraduate student who conducted her research through the Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.

During her PhD program in the Physics Department, Oleksandra taught Physics laboratories to the students in the pre-medical program of Columbia University.

Oleksandra is committed to upholding the high standards of Columbia education. She strives to create a stimulating learning environment for the students to open up and gain invaluable experience that would help them succeed in the future.


  • Ph.D., Columbia University
  • M.Phil., Columbia University
  • M.S., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
  • B.S., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology