Nicole Davi
Lecturer, Sustainability Management; Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Tree-Ring Laboratory at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Nicole Davi is an adjunct senior research scientist at the Tree-Ring Laboratory at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and a professor and chair of the Department of Environmental Science at William Paterson University. Davi’s research focuses on developing and interpreting high-resolution paleoclimatic records in order to further our understanding of climate change over the past 2000 years. She has authored/coauthored dozens of peer-reviewed articles on paleoclimate and has received awards from the National Science Foundation and other funding agencies for her research. Davi also has several projects that focus on improving science literacy for undergraduate and K-12 students as well as public audiences. Davi often collaborates with artists to explore new and compelling ways to communicate the excitement of scientific explorations with diverse audiences.
•Water Resources and Climate