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Navin Nayak

Counselor and President, Center for American Progress Action Fund

Navin Nayak serves as counselor at the Center for American Progress and president of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. He oversees day-to-day management of the Action Fund and helps create new programs and projects that will assist the organization in fulfilling its mission.

Nayak has more than 15 years of experience in advocacy and elections with several organizations. Most recently, Nayak served as the director of opinion research for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, where he oversaw all the campaign’s message research. Prior to that, he worked for eight years at the League of Conservation Voters, where, among several roles, he served as senior vice president for campaigns, overseeing all the organization’s electoral work. He also served as the deputy director for the Clean Energy Works campaign, a national multimillion-dollar effort to pass comprehensive climate legislation in 2009–2010.

In addition to his advocacy experience, Nayak worked as a donor advisor at Corridor Partners, where he provided strategic guidance to donors on their advocacy and electoral investments.