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Mignon Moore

Professor of Sociology at Columbia University and Chair of the Sociology Department at Barnard College

Mignon R. Moore (PhD 1998, University of Chicago) is Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, and chair of the sociology department at Barnard College. Before joining the faculty in 2015 she was Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she co-directed the NIA/NIH Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research at the School of Medicine. Her areas of expertise include race, LGBT populations, family, gender, aging, and qualitative research methods. Professor Moore has received grants and awards from the National Institutes of Health, Ford Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Her first book, Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships and Motherhood among Black Women (University of California Press), is a study of same-sex parent families. It won the 2012 Distinguished Book Award from the ASA Sex & Gender section, and was a finalist for the C. Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Her scholarly research articles have been published in the American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Gender & Society, Annual Review of Sociology, Journal of Marriage and Family, and other outlets.

Professor Moore’s current work examines health and social support for sexual minority seniors to determine the ways community institutions can be of service to this population. She is completing a book titled In the Shadow of Sexuality: Social Histories of African American LGBT Elders, 1950-1979.  Dr. Moore is President-Elect of Sociologists for Women in Society.