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Mario de la Cruz, M.S.

Lecturer; Associate Director, CUIMC Division of Narrative Medicine

Mario de la Cruz is one of the Founding Editors of Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine. As an Associate Director for the Division of Narrative Medicine at Columbia University's Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics, de la Cruz is involved in the development of programmatic advancements and innovative teaching strategies for their Masters of Science in Narrative Medicine program. He lectures at Columbia University, CUNY School of Medicine and Sarah Lawrence College on illness and disability narratives, social justice in healthcare, narrative in population health and graphic medicine. His previous work includes the development and oversight of HIV/AIDS prevention programs and sexual health education programs for both healthcare institutions and non-profit organizations, with an emphasis on supporting under-resourced youth groups. Mario de la Cruz is also a contributing author to the book, The Uncharted Path from Clinic-Based to Community-Based Research, and an editor of the collection of LGBTQ+ writing, Fictions, Nonfictions, and Imaginings. His current work is focused on visual, oral and performance-based narratives as vehicles for empowering marginalized voices and identities to address health inequity and social injustice.


M.S. Narrative Medicine, Columbia University