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Jessica Malloy

Course Associate & Alum, Information & Knowledge Strategy (IKNS)

'21SPS, Information & Knowledge Strategy (IKNS)

Jessica Malloy was formerly a Senior Knowledge Manager with Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning where she developed and implemented their first company-wide Knowledge Management strategy.

Previously, Jessica worked at Redox, a completely distributed, scaling company aimed at enabling the frictionless adoption of technology in healthcare. There, she worked with people from across the company, regardless of role, to help make their team and individual work more efficient.  Prior to Redox, Jessica lived in Uganda and worked for Spark Microgrants, a non-profit delivering a community-driven development program to rural African communities. She initiated and pioneered Spark’s Knowledge Management program, building a system that increased knowledge sharing across teams in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Ghana, and the U.S. Her work with Spark was in conjunction with her membership in the 2017-2018 cohort of Global Health Corps, a competitive fellowship founded by Barbara Bush that supports emerging global health leaders. 

Jessica obtained her M.S. in Information and Knowledge Strategy from Columbia University. Her independent research focused on the barriers to effective knowledge transfer among teams and her cohort capstone was in partnership with the NASA Apollo, Challenger, Columbia Lessons Learned Program (ACCLLP). Jessica also holds a Master of Public Health degree and a B.A. in Anthropology with a Human Biology Track.


M.S., Columbia University

M.P.H., Temple University

B.A., Temple University