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Ernie Drucker; Faculty Affiliate

Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Ernest Drucker is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Family and Social Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine; and Senior Research Associate and Scholar in Residence at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of The City University of NY. He is licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in NY State and conducts research in AIDS, drug policy, and prisons and is active in public health and human rights efforts in the US and abroad. For 25 years Dr. Drucker was Director of Public Health and Policy Research at Montefiore/Einstein, founding Director of Montefiore's 1000 patient drug treatment program until 1990; an NIH funded principal investigator since 1991 and author of over 100 peer reviewed scientific articles, texts, and book chapters. He was founding Associate Editor of The International Journal of Drug Policy; founder and Editor in Chief ( with John Booth Davies) of Addiction Research and Theory ( 1993- 2005); and is now founding Editor in Chief of Harm Reduction Journal. Dr. Drucker was a founder (in 1994) of the International Harm Reduction Association; founder and Chairman of the Board of Doctors of the World / USA (1993-1997). He has been a Fellow of the Lindesmith Center at the Open Society Institute, a senior Soros Justice Fellow since 2004, and is a 2010-2011 Senior Specialist in Global Health of the US/Australian Fulbright Program at the Law School of the University of New South Wales. His book, A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America, was published by The New Press in Sept of 2011.


PhD, 1969, CUNY


Editor in Chief - Addiction Research and Theory

Editor in chief - Harm Reduction Journal


Member - NY Acad Med

Member - APHA

Founding Member - Int Harm Reduction Assoc


Soros Senior Justice Fellowship

Norman Zinberg Award - Drug Policy Foundation

Rolleston International Award - Int Harm Reduction Assoc


Effects of Incarceration on families and Communities: Social and psychological studies of consequences of mass incarceration as an epidemiological phenomenon

The African origins of HIV: Effects of injections and blood transfusions on the origins of HIV and AIDS epidemics in Africa


TB and HIV co infection in Gujarat India, India: Studies of HIV and risk among women , migrant workers, and development of effective research to support systems of care and public health.


Inciardi J, and Harrison L Harm Reduction: A Textbook Sage Thousand Oaks, CA 2000

Marx PA, Alcabes PG, Drucker E Serial Human Passage of Simian Immune Virus by Unsterile Injecting and the Emergence of Epidemic HIV in Africa. Phil Trans Bio Sci 356 1410, 911-920. 2001

Drucker E , Alcabes PG, and Marx, PA The Injection Century: Massive Unsterile Injecting and the Emergence of Human Pathogens. The Lancet 358 1989-92 2001

Madhava V, Burgess C, Drucker E The Epidemiology of chronic of Hepatits C infection in Sub Saharan Africa Lancet Infectious Diseases (2) 293-302 2002

Drucker, E Population Impact of Mass Incarceration Under New York's Rockefeller Drug Laws : An Analysis of Years of Life Lost Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 9(3) 434-435 2002

Drucker E The Crack Chronicles: Perspectives on Understanding the Trajectory of a New Drug. Special Issue Editor and Introduction Addiction Research and Theory. 11 1 2003

L Daniels The State of Black America 2003 National Urban League NY, NY 2003

J. Lowinson, P Ruiz, R. Millman, J. Langrod Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, Fourth Edition Williams and Wilkins NY, NY 2004

Barreras R and Drucker E. The concentration of substance use, criminal justice involvement, and HIV/AIDS in the families of drug offenders Journal of Urban Health March 2005

Drucker E. A Plague of Prisons: Drugs, Crime, and the Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration The New Press NY, NY 2006
