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David Strauss, M.D.

Faculty Affiliate, Bioethics; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center

Dr. David Strauss has spent his academic career in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia. In 1989, Dr. Strauss became an attending research psychiatrist and soonafter Chief of the Schizophrenia Research Unit at NYSPI. From 1994 to 2000, he served at the Clinical Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Chair of the NYSPI Ethics Committee.

In 2000, Dr. Strauss was appointed Chair of the the department's Institutional Review Board. In 2004, he was named Director of the Office of Human Subject's Research.

In 2010, Dr. Strauss was appointed Vice Chairman for Research Administration, Ethics, and Policy and Deputy Director for Research at NYSPI. Dr. Strauss is also currently a member of the CU Conflict of Interest Committee, Co-Chair of Columbia's Standing Committee on the Conduct of Science and a member of the Presidential Scholars in Science and Society Progam Advisory Committee. Since 2007 Dr. Strauss has served on U.S. Department of Health Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Subjects Protection or one of its subcommittees. Dr. Strauss is a member of the board of directors of Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) and chairs its public policy committee. Dr. Strauss teaches research and professional ethics at NYSPI and Columbia. He lectures widely on research ethics.

In his office-based practice of general psychiatry, Dr. Strauss' expertise is in the combined psychotherapy and medication management of depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia spectrum disorders and in psychopharmacology consultation.


  • Cornell University Medical College, NY
  • Internship: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
  • Residency: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
