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Chelsea Rodriguez


Chelsea Rodriguez (she/her/ella) is an executive coach and organizational consultant. She enables executives and leaders to evoke the most powerful expression of their personal and organizational leadership. For over 15 years, her mission has been to help leaders, teams and organizations produce their best results through best-in-class leadership and inclusive teamwork.

Previously, she held internal roles focused on executive leadership and team development at Goldman Sachs & Meta. Most recently, she led the Executive Coaching practice at Meta, supporting thousands of leaders through the company’s most transformative years. Currently, in addition to working with private and organizationally sponsored clients, Chelsea partners with CHIEF, the largest network of senior women executives and 2045 Studio, to coach women leaders and leaders of color.

Chelsea holds a Masters in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and completed her executive coaching training at Georgetown University’s Institute of Transformational Leadership. She has PCC-level accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), is certified in Hogan psychometrics as well as the Leadership Circle Profile and has extensive experience in 360 processes and team diagnostics.