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Amit Matta

Head of Risk Management and Portfolio Analytics, Kula Capital

Amit Matta is a risk management subject who with expertise across the buy and sell sides. He started his career as a risk quant at JPMorgan, working on market and credit risk research with all the founders of RiskMetrics. He went on to roles at Dresdner Bank, Societe Generale (Head of Risk for the Fund of Hedge Funds platform), Nikko Asset Management (Head of Risk and Strategic Initiatives), and most recently at Kula Capital, a quantitative hedge fund started by the former CRO of TwoSigma. He has also consulted extensively on risk issues and risk education - including extensively working with GARP on the FRM exam and with the CFA Institute on their educational materials.


  • M.S., Mathematics, New York University
  • B.S., Mathematics, Yale University