Justice and Compassion: A Community Conversation

Alumni/Student Facilitators:
Rachel Oatis
M.S. Nonprofit Management Program, '19
School of Professional Studies, Columbia University
The Obama Foundation | Program Analyst
Kyle Layne
M.S. Nonprofit Management Program, '21
School of Professional Studies, Columbia University
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Major Gifts Associate
Faculty Facilitators:
Vernetta Walker, Esq.
M.S. Nonprofit Management
School of Professional Studies, Columbia University | Part-time Lecturer
Vernetta Walker & Associates Consulting, Inc. | President & CEO
Dr. Erwin de Leon
School of Professional Studies, Columbia University | Lecturer in the Discipline of Nonprofit Management
This event is open to the Nonprofit Management Program and Columbia University affiliates.
For questions, contact SPS-Nonprofit [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu (SPS-Nonprofit[at]columbia[dot]edu).
Columbia University Statements
Message from President Lee C. Bollinger
Message from Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Tiffany Hughes
Message from Academic Director, Cindy M. Lott, Esq.
Racial Equity Resources
Columbia University
- Task Force on Inclusion & Belonging at Columbia
- Resources for Promotion Racial Justice & Eliminating Black Violence
Organizational Resources
- Education Week: 15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest
- Equity in the Center
- Race Forward
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Nonprofit Sector – Essential Resources for Nonprofit Professionals | Bloomerang
- Awake to Work to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture | Equity in the Center
- Equity Footprint: A Framework to Advance Change | Frontline Solutions
- Advancing Black Leaders | Harvard Business Review
- Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap | Race to Lead: An Initiative of Building Movement Project
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Toolkit | Michigan Nonprofit Association
- Organizational Assessment Tools and Resources | Racial Equity Tools
- Advancing Equity in Health Systems by Addressing Racial Justice | Stanford Social Innovation Review
- The Bias of 'Professionalism' Standards | Stanford Social Innovation Review
Overcoming the Racial Bias in Philanthropic Funding | Stanford Social Innovation Review
Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits | The National Council of Nonprofits
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nonprofit Bylaws | NEO Law Group
- “The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America,” Richard Rothstein (2017)
- “Blind Spot,” Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greewald (2016)
- “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism,” Robin Diangelo
- Silent Racism: How Well-Meaning White People Perpetual the Racial Divide, Barbara Trepagnier
- “Racing to Justice,” , John A. Powell
- “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” Michell Alexander
- How Racism Makes Us Sick, Dr. David R. Williams (18 minutes)
- Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo (20 minutes)
- Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Emmanual Acho (10 minutes)
We invite you to share racial equity resources. Please email us at: SPS-Nonprofit [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu (SPS-Nonprofit[at]columbia[dot]edu) .