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June Cross

Assistant Professor of Journalism, Columbia Journalism School

June Cross, a native New Yorker, is a writer and documentary producer interested in the intersection of poverty, race and politics in the United States. She is a professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, where she founded a program in journalistic documentary. Her latest film, Wilhemina’s War, about a South Carolina grandmother fighting for access to health care for her family, was nominated for a national Emmy. It premiered at DOC NYC in 2015, and aired on PBS’ Independent Lens in February 2016. She is best known for an Emmy-winning documentary about her own family, Secret Daughter: the Story of a Mixed Race Child and the Mother Who Gave Her Away, which aired on Frontline in 1996. She was an Executive Producer of the six-hour PBS series, This Far by Faith. Cross also produced “The Old Man and the Storm,” which aired on PBS’ Frontline in 2009. She has worked for CBS News and PBS’ NewsHour. She is currently working on two projects about Voter Access: one is a documentary; the other an experimental performance piece that uses documentary elements. She lives in Washington Heights with the jazz drummer Mike Clark.