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A Message from the Office of the Dean - Standing in Solidarity

Dear SPS Community, 

Last week, the killing of George Floyd laid bare the continued existence of inequality and injustice in America.

Scanning the social climate of this nation, one cannot ignore the searing impact of racial disparity—whether ignited by the coronavirus, by the lack of economic and educational opportunity, or by the injustices that cost Mr. Floyd (and others) his life.  

The School of Professional Studies is committed to recognizing the dignity and value of every person. We stand in solidarity against these acts of violence and expressions of discrimination. We must challenge ourselves to oppose such behavior, and to take action to genuinely influence change in our community, our country, and the world.  

I feel your sadness and despair. I appreciate your support and empathy. I implore you to reflect on a mandate for change. 

Indeed, we can do better. 



Jason Wingard, Ph.D.

Dean and Professor


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