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Kevin Madigan, Ph.D.

Head of Capital Management, Argo Group

Kevin Madigan, PhD, ACAS, CERA, MAAA, SCR is Head of Capital Management at Argo Group. Kevin is a risk, actuarial, and underwriting professional in the property and casualty (P&C) insurance space, with experience and expertise in the Insurance Linked Securities market, as well. His P&C career spans close to 30 years, including 12 years at insurers and reinsurers as an actuary and underwriting officer. As a consultant, he has provided a broad range of actuarial, risk & capital, and pricing and underwriting advisory and assurance services to P&C carriers and their investors. He is a widely recognized expert in ERM, risk modeling, capital modeling and management, and exposure accumulation measurement & management. He also has a particular interest in appropriately aligning actuarial, risk & capital, and underwriting activities with an insurer’s corporate strategy. Kevin is an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society, a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a GARP Sustainability and Climate Risk certificate holder. He earned a PhD in Mathematics from the University at Albany and a BS in Mathematics from Auburn University.


  • Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY
  • M.A., University at Albany, SUNY
  • B.S., Auburn University